Sunday, December 18, 2011

Who are the real extremists?

According to the Macquarie Encyclopedic Dictionary the word extremism is described as such;  a tendency or disposition to go to extremes, esp. in political matters. - extremist, Noun.
So, to label someone as an extremist is to label them as a person who does extreme things which are  outside normal societal standards, or in the poltical sense, professes to have views that are at the further ends of both the right and the left of the political spectrum. But what is the political spectrum?
If you were to draw a straight line across a blank page and fill from the left to right to the center with the following;
Totalitarianism, Oligarchies, Monarchies, Dictatorships,Communism/Socialism, National Socialism, Social Democracy. You would then have all those political systems that are and will forever remain, left of center on the political spectrum, the political ideal of Socialism filling half of those places.
If you then continued onto the center, being neither left nor right, and placed Conservatism as occupying the central spot and then continued onto the right side you would next add the American Republic, and further along to the right extreme, Anarchy.
You would now have the political spectrum as understood by those who are politically astute. You will also note that at either end of the spectrum, there is on the extreme left, Totalitarianism, or total control of the populace by a centralized government which does not recognize or condone any opposition to its control as compared to the extreme right wing of Anarchy, or a state of society without any government or law.
Why is it then that groups such as the English Defence League (EDL), or the British National Party(BNP), are continually labelled by the main stream media (MSM) as being of the 'extreme far Right Wing?' Both these groups, who are largely nationalist in makeup, are not promoting a society that is not ruled by law as is suggested by the phrase, 'far right wing', and merely advocate that certain cultures are not compatible within a traditional Christian Judeo based British nation.
For those of you who do not know their recent history, the larger part of the Twentieth Century was taken up in fighting wars against socialism in its many forms. Hitler, Stalin, Mao are all products of Socialism in one form or another, and as you can see from the political spectrum, they are therefore by definition, creatures of the Left.
If you the reader were asked to choose the best political system in which to grow and prosper without undue interference by an elected government, which system would you choose?
Would you choose to be ruled over and have very little say, or none at all, in how you go about your life, or would you choose a system that guarantees freedom from tyranny and liberty to all who wish to make their own choices in life? Would you choose a system that totally rules over you or a system that allows you choices under a government that is demanded by law to stay out of your life?
Do you the reader believe that both the EDL and the BNP occupy an extremist political position? Or do you believe that those who can see the dismantling of their nation and speak up to defend it are being victimized by the MSM and a certain Elite who have contrived to erase what was once a wholly white British nation?
So, I now ask you the reader this question, who are the real extremists?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

On Racism

Watching the antics between the European Leaders, and the British Prime Minister, at their recent meeting to salvage what is left of a rapidly disintegrating European Union and its single currency, the Euro, I was left with an impression that by prodding with some extra thinking eventually turned into this post.
The impression I was left with and that has now spurred me on to write about, is simply this; racism is colorblind! That is, one does not necessarily have to base a racist attitude on the color of the 'others' skin, rather the racist attitude is developed through observation about a particular culture and the many differences of that culture as compared to the one the observer has grown up in. Let me explain:
We can all see with our eyes firmly open the obvious differences between a Negro and a White man, differences which today have been made taboo to publicly discuss for fear of expressing racist sentiments. This is absurd! This is like saying that when black man meets white man that the obvious differences in facial aspects as well as skin color is not to be noticed. Not to be noticed? Really? Are we then supposed to conduct any meaningful dialog with each with our eyes shut? It is one of our basic instincts that we notice obvious differences, this then allows us to become discerning, that is, we are then able to register mentally if the obvious difference that others display are going to be beneficial or dangerous to us. This is a normal human trait that multiculturalists would rather that you suppress. To be able to discern danger, or dangerous behaviour, is a safety instinct in us that provides an early warning that something about those being observed is wrong and the observer should remain on guard. To deny this simple human trait is to deny the basic functions that have been built into us for our own survival. Without our basic instincts on which to act, we may as well just lock ourselves away in some kind of Zoo, so that we may be looked at and pitied by other more intelligent beings who are willing, able to use, and act on their own basic instincts.
We are after all just very intelligent animals who have never lost the basic will for survival. To deny this as part of our human experience is to deny life itself and should never have become interwoven into Multicultural legislation that is the complete antithesis to what our basic instincts and observational skills tell us. Humanity is divided into cultures of various colors, and those cultures into tribes which is so diverse in how those cultures go about their daily lives that any truthful observer, and one untainted by the doctrine of Multiculturalism, can't help but come to the conclusion that some cultures will always clash with other cultures. It's even written about in history books for those who wish to avail themselves of real human history, and not that as is presented today by the Multiculturalist's and their fellow travellers.
Returning to that meeting in Europe, what impressed me most was the cultural differences, even though they are only small, of all the players at that meeting. And while all the players are white caucasian, the little differences between each others cultures are now coming to the fore. The Germans are now demanding, the French are feigning indignity, while the other smaller cultures of Europe are seeking revenge for Britain's 'NO' to a new treaty. It is becoming racist in projection even though all the players are the same color!
So the next time that someone tells you to your face that you are racist simply because you have observed a particular culture as being unable to fit into your own culture, due to the obvious differences, tell them to go to Hell as your attitude has nothing to do with the color of their skin, or how they look, but is based upon your obsevations, and it is their behaviour that alerts you to the fact that they just don't fit in.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

On Same Sex Marriage.

What is it with Leftards and homosexual marriage? What drives their desire even though most of them are not homosexual, to enforce societal changes onto the rest of us who could care less about the sexual lifestyles of Homosexuals, let alone their preference to legitimize their abnormal relationships. And please do not tell me that sticking a male's Penis into a male's Anus, or for that matter a woman's Anus, is normal? I think not! The Anus has only one purpose in life, which to those of us who wish to retain a healthy lifestyle use from time to time to be rid of unwanted, but very smelly baggage. That simple fact alone should be a sufficient deterent for any man, well at least those who consider themselves to be men, to keep their pleasure stick out of smelly dirty holes. And by a male substituting his Anus for that of a female Vagina for the use of by another male - well isn't that an admission by the practising homosexual that they are simply acting out the role of  the woman in the relationship, which in my humble opinion, and by such practice, is general recognition of the womans role in society, especially when it comes to marriage. Therefore, to label the homosexual relationship as 'normal' and again in my humble opinion, is the blatant misuse of the word normal.

Obviously some homosexual men and women out there, and who, thankfully, are a small minority, are sexually confused about their role in life and would rather set up house, or establish a relationship with similar confused males and females. Well that's fine by me so long as they keep their lifestyle where it belongs, at home and not out on the streets trying to convince the rest of us of just how 'normal' they really are. Of effeminate men and blokey woman there is no doubt, but this type of 'obvious' abnormality in the male and female is a very small part of the minority that consider themselves as homosexuals, because most homosexuals are 'made.' That is, a perfect heterosexual child is groomed by circumstance to be attracted to the same gender. Whether those who have been 'trained' this way have been the victim of a deliberate or accidental arrangement is a matter that only they will know, and this grooming can be reversed by some psychiatrists, but, it is when this fact becomes apparent to those who practice what nature intended, that the activities by the homosexual lobby should ring alarm bells! Those parents who wish their children a balanced education should be very wary of the agenda that is being pushed by the Leftists and homosexual lobby into kindergarten and primary schools with a view to 'legitimizing' homosexual behaviour through 'sensitivity training' which has  nothing to do with preaching normal behaviour as any loving parent would understand.
The homosexual appears to be normal in every aspect of modern life but, when it comes to the bedroom what they regard as having sex, is anything but normal!
Would you as a loving parent like to have your child indoctrinated by those who consider the homosexual lifestyle normal and comparable with any heterosexual person, or would you rather your child learned about homosexuality as an abnormality, which it is, and to be treated as simply an abnormal sexual behaviour within a very small minority group of society? There can be nothing 'normal' about the sexual practises within the homosexual population when the vast majority of the society that minority group belongs to adhere to sexual practices as nature intended.
Who would have guessed that de-criminalizing homosexuality some decades ago, and in all its colors, would lead to a future push by these same self styled 'normal' people to impose their brand of  'normality' onto the rest of us through legislation designed to alter the Australian Marriage Act to include same sex couples? The recent Labor Party conference has endorsed same sex marriage, and which I have no doubt, will early next year be presented as a Bill on conscience vote. I believe this Bill will pass both houses and be made into law. The same political party which made its reputation defending the Australian worker and upholding Australian culture and morals is now assisting in dividing a nation by imposing legislation which would be defeated by the people if given a chance in a referendum. And to have this legislation imposed by an un-elected and therefore illegitimate Federal Government, is a very big pill to swallow!
I'm sure that the founders of this once great Austalian Labor Party are spinning in their graves at the antics of those that have come after them.
