Thursday, December 5, 2013

Who’ll cry for South Africa?

Nelson Mandela is dead! Do we say long live the King or do we talk about the kind of man that Mandela really was?

I prefer to talk about what Mandela's legacy as president of South Africa has brought for that country because collectivist history will be much kinder to the person Mandela than I could ever be!

But first some background for my stance against a man that most of the world has been indoctrinated into believing was a 'freedom fighter'.

One of the author's last jobs as a police officer was to take the fingerprints of a middle aged white South African couple who had decided that after holidaying in Australia they would seek to become citizens. The taking of fingerprints in a small country police station that does not have the technology available to it that larger city police stations have, can be quiet a drawn out affair. So it was due to the length of time spent with the South African couple that that the author got a view of South Africa that is kept from the populace by the SSM (Soviet Style Media)

In fact, what this couple told the author has since assisted his subsequent research/investigation that has led him to a greater understanding of where we are being driven to through United Nations policies.

(A disclaimer; It is not the author's intention to present a detailed and thorough history of South Africa, only to briefly outline what the author has learned. There are many varied accounts of South African history that upon reading - the reader needs to keep in mind the many political agendas behind the writing of such history)

Briefly, this is what was learned:

South Africa was at one time almost uninhabited until White Europeans colonized that part of Africa for themselves. Those who are now known as black South Africans are the descendants of two original tribes, imported slaves or migrated into South Africa from northern African regions, to escape tribal wars, famine or other driving influences that caused mass migrations of black Africans into a then prosperous and predominately white controlled South Africa which led to the eventual outnumbering of white South Africans in their own land by ten to one. 

This was a gradual process over hundreds of years.

The blacks were generally employed as low paid labor, especially in those jobs that were considered dangerous or demeaning to the white South African. During the mid 20th Century political and business pressures caused the policy of Apartheid to be officially adopted across South Africa.

Apartheid was never about practising racism, but dividing the dominant ethnic groups from each other for their mutual protection and benefit. But the word apartheid, has through distortion and political agendas, now come to mean racism to the ignorant who fail to do their own investigation into what South Africa once was and why Apartheid had to be implemented.

Today, South Africa is no longer the prosperous nation it once was under Apartheid.

Nelson Mandela was a Communist. He was also head of the MK – the terrorist wing of the ANC - and as such, signed off on many terrorist attacks that killed innocent men, women and children in its role to overthrow the South African government. He was jailed for his part in terrorist related incidents for which he has never expressed any remorse. 

It doesn't matter how you dress up a rotten carcase, because its smell will eventually permeate even the densest of coverings. And so, that is enough said about Mr Mandela!

Since 1994 when Mandela became president of South Africa white farmers have once again come under attack by roaming bands of blacks who at first terrorize the family in isolated farms before attacking and killing those who resist outright and then by raping and torturing to death those who have survived the initial attack on them. To date over four thousand white farmers have met their fate through these roaming bands who are seldom apprehended by a now almost dysfunctional and corrupted South African police force.

It is now generally assumed that a form of 'white genocide' is now taking place with little interruption to its agenda from the state.


One of the driving factors for that South African couple in deciding to leave their homeland was the racist attitudes shown toward them and which according to them, were becoming more threatening on a daily basis by black South Africans who were given an off the record wink and a nod by the state to play out their racist urges against those who were not black. But it's not only whites who are now at the receiving end of this state sanctioned racism, it is every ethnicity other than black African that has had the misfortune to be born 'South African' and who are now under the tyranny that South Africa has become and to which the SSM is now aiding and abetting in by not reporting on its slide into totalitarianism!

The architect for the demise of the Republic of South Africa is dead, but who'll cry for its descendants?



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