Friday, October 21, 2011

The dishonesty of the liberal mindset and the consequences for society

I am of the opinon that what people do behind their closed doors should be of no concern to the rest of us, unless of course if they are acting criminally. What most folks do to amuse themselves in the privacy of their castle should be kept within the boundaries of their castle and not taken to the streets where their 'particular pleasure', such as homosexuallity, is made public with the view to legitimizing what to most of us would be seen as perverse behaviour. That is just plain dishonesty, because the 'pusher' of non-criminal, but abnormal practices knows that his/her 'particular pleasure' is generally accepted by society as being of abnormal behaviour.
Abnormal behaviour by some will always be considered abnormal behaviour by those of us who have consideration for the social cohesion of our culture. That is why Homosexuals of both genders have their own categorization as being homosexual, that is, throughout recorded history they have always been considered apart from main stream socially acceptable norms, and calling Homosexuals 'Gays' is another dishonest attempt by the liberal left to force the public to recognize the homosexual lifestyle as normal when the fact remains, that being sexually intimate with a person of the same gender is anything but normal.
Before the politically correct word 'Gay' was forced onto us as a more acceptable definition of someone who enjoys the sexually intimate company of their own gender, the Homosexual was seen within society, but unlike today, was seldom heard. Was that really a bad thing? Was the social enforcement of keeping one's sexual orientation behind closed doors, so to speak, and out of the public arena oppressive as some would say?
Should one's sexual orientation be made public as we have often witnessed with that celebrity or this celebrity openly proclaiming their 'coming out' as a badge of honor? Does a public expression of 'sexual difference' really promote the homosexual cause or does it do more harm than good? Since when has it become socially acceptable to be outing one's sexual preferences as if the statement contains a kind of morality, and why do some consider this important?
We all have a choice in life of how we behave. Each of us instinctively knows what is right and what is wrong. How we utilize that instinctiveness is what makes us individuals, but we are individuals who mostly choose to live in societies that contain rules of behaviour to protect the collective society from the abnormal behaviour of the individual, such as the criminal. Without this mutual acceptance of collective law and societal norms which governs individual behaviour, there would be no culture, no society. While there is inalienable rights for the individual in most Western nations, the rights of the individual, or the minority group, should never be placed above that of the collective because the collective society will fracture and disintegrate as we are now seeing, and as an example; the recent riots in Britain. There would then be only individuals or minority groups with certain rights, but no collective society in which to practice those rights, in other words anarchy with no rule of law. The liberal left would have you believe that liberty is first and foremost their consideration for the individual. The liberal left though, will never inform you of the consequences for any culture once minority groups, or individuals, are granted certain rights above that of the collective as is now occurring under the Gay Lobby, Multiculturalism, Islam, Racial Discrimination Acts, Human Rights Commissions and a myriad of other 'rights' for minority groups or individuals.
If the West is to survive as a culture, then ALL Western nations need to protect their 'collective society' and begin to wind back the policies that are leading us to our own destruction. Individuals will always have their inalienable rights as citizens under the law of the land that they reside in, but minority groups special privileges, as is currently practiced and is plainly against the host culture, need to be curtailed and then terminated.
We can't survive as cohesive societies while we continue to live under the mind numbing spell that is the false ideology of the liberal left. To continue to do so is to die a slow death!

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