Thursday, November 10, 2011

An analysis of the Norway Massacre

In anyone's language, the killing of sixty nine young persons who were gunned down at a resort in Norway, now some months ago, is a tragedy of monumental proportions for which there should be no argument of the social impact that this act of slaughter guaranteed to occur, and in fact has come about, not only in Norway, but also throughout those nations who still consider themselves as part of the West.
Much has been written and uttered by those with some social influence from the Left who consider the Norway Massacre as having been committed by a madman, that Anders Brevik is of the 'far right' politically, and so therefore, must be considered as a 'radical far right extremist' who also happens to be insane.
I contest that view and make this assertion. Anders Behring Brevik is not mad nor is he a 'far right wing extremist'. And I base my assertion on the following points:
1. Brevik's manifesto, which was released just prior to him going on his murderous rampage, contains nothing in it that leads me to arrive at the conclusion that he is suffering some kind of mental disorder. In short, his manifesto contains nothing in it to suggest the writings or thoughts of a mad man and is to the contrary, a well planned, articulate and thorough document in its presentation.
2. Anyone who is familiar with the true political spectrum and not the one where all the evil deeds of the world, according to some, should be attributed to those whose polticial views are from right of center, knows only too well, that it is Anarchy that exists on the extreme far right of the political spectrum, and that Brevik, from his own words and manifesto, is no Anarchist.
3. The atrocity he committed was well planned and executed, which is not the modus operandi of the criminally insane who are more opportunistic when carrying out their crimes and who do not meticulously plan months ahead for their criminal act, as Brevik did.
4. The psychopath gains pleasure from the violence he is able to inflict on others. In comparison, and prior to carrying out his act, Brevik dosed himself up on drugs to fortify himself against what he knew he would not enjoy doing, and the heavy metal music he chose to play through his head phones had the design to limit his hearing of the screams of suffering and the sheer terror that he inflicted on his victims. Brevik knew that without the 'extras' he had no stomach to carry out what he planned, therefore, he cannot be described as a psychopath.
5. Nationalism straddles both sides of the political center and can be attributed to either the Left or Right of politics. Nationalism in a sense, is a concept in which individuals, groups or populations hold the nation as a rallying point to instil patriotism and a sense of sharing together the nation state. Nationalism, as was demonstrated with National Socialism can also work to alienate minority groups, such as the Jews in Nazi Germany, while fostering a superman complex within the population which can lead, and as was the case with Nazi Germany, to a sense of invincibility and a feeling of superiority over other nation states.
So is Brevik a Nationalist, albeit a very extreme one? A Nationalist who felt he could no longer put up with his nation being destroyed from within, by his own kind?
I'll leave you the reader to think about it.

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