Sunday, December 18, 2011

Who are the real extremists?

According to the Macquarie Encyclopedic Dictionary the word extremism is described as such;  a tendency or disposition to go to extremes, esp. in political matters. - extremist, Noun.
So, to label someone as an extremist is to label them as a person who does extreme things which are  outside normal societal standards, or in the poltical sense, professes to have views that are at the further ends of both the right and the left of the political spectrum. But what is the political spectrum?
If you were to draw a straight line across a blank page and fill from the left to right to the center with the following;
Totalitarianism, Oligarchies, Monarchies, Dictatorships,Communism/Socialism, National Socialism, Social Democracy. You would then have all those political systems that are and will forever remain, left of center on the political spectrum, the political ideal of Socialism filling half of those places.
If you then continued onto the center, being neither left nor right, and placed Conservatism as occupying the central spot and then continued onto the right side you would next add the American Republic, and further along to the right extreme, Anarchy.
You would now have the political spectrum as understood by those who are politically astute. You will also note that at either end of the spectrum, there is on the extreme left, Totalitarianism, or total control of the populace by a centralized government which does not recognize or condone any opposition to its control as compared to the extreme right wing of Anarchy, or a state of society without any government or law.
Why is it then that groups such as the English Defence League (EDL), or the British National Party(BNP), are continually labelled by the main stream media (MSM) as being of the 'extreme far Right Wing?' Both these groups, who are largely nationalist in makeup, are not promoting a society that is not ruled by law as is suggested by the phrase, 'far right wing', and merely advocate that certain cultures are not compatible within a traditional Christian Judeo based British nation.
For those of you who do not know their recent history, the larger part of the Twentieth Century was taken up in fighting wars against socialism in its many forms. Hitler, Stalin, Mao are all products of Socialism in one form or another, and as you can see from the political spectrum, they are therefore by definition, creatures of the Left.
If you the reader were asked to choose the best political system in which to grow and prosper without undue interference by an elected government, which system would you choose?
Would you choose to be ruled over and have very little say, or none at all, in how you go about your life, or would you choose a system that guarantees freedom from tyranny and liberty to all who wish to make their own choices in life? Would you choose a system that totally rules over you or a system that allows you choices under a government that is demanded by law to stay out of your life?
Do you the reader believe that both the EDL and the BNP occupy an extremist political position? Or do you believe that those who can see the dismantling of their nation and speak up to defend it are being victimized by the MSM and a certain Elite who have contrived to erase what was once a wholly white British nation?
So, I now ask you the reader this question, who are the real extremists?


  1. Ah, now i see what you meant.
    Is abit confusing when someone claims to be both socialist and anarchist (my brother)

  2. Nordlys - I don't believe your brother knows what he is!
