Sunday, June 10, 2012

What has Human Rights got to do with homelessness?

I originally wrote this article to salve my mind from the morbid stupidity that so called Human Rights people advocate as good policy in line with their utopian ideals on how we should all be, not how life really is, and for good effort or money, can never be changed.

Original article starts here:

I read an article by Graeme Innes, Disability and Race Discrimination Commissioner with the Australian Human Rights Commission, listed in the comments section of The Daily Telegraph, June 18, 2010, titled 'opening a door on the bleak truth of homelessness'. I printed it off as it got me to thinking along the lines of what has human rights got to do with homelessness?

Mr. Innes' article was, to my mind at least, intended to expose the existence of the homeless in our society and the need to do something about this very troubling issue. While his article quoted figures of homeless, (105,000) which I would certainly challenge on the grounds that it would be next to impossible to estimate numbers with any certainty, and to all intents would in truth, be just a guess, there was a notable lack of information which any balanced article should convey to the reader, as to why he believed that in this day and age, there should be so many of our citizens living on the street.

My thoughts were then cast back to my days as a NSW policeman who came into contact with many of our homeless as part of my duties as some homeless people have a tendency to commit petty crimes. Some would say a majority of homeless are mentally ill and on the streets due to the closure by uncaring governments of the very facilities, which until the mid 1970's used to provide for them - there are many issues as to why anyone of sound mind would find themselves living 'rough' and while not all that are unfortunate enough to find themselves in this position turn to crime, many are victims of domestic violence, or for personal reasons, feel they are no longer part of a family and choose to leave a secure home for a life of 'adventure' on the streets. Many of those I spoke with were young teenagers from single parent families, usually an uncaring mother, who felt more at home with other 'street kids'. In short, the reasons for anyone to be on the street are many and varied and cannot be pigeon holed into a nice neat little package that any government agency can correct or alleviate.

Mr. Innes in his article failed to be honest with the reader in that he sidestepped the issues which have led those who are homeless into their present circumstances.

One of the biggest issues concerning homelessness would have to be the 'designed' break down of the family unit that has been relentlessly pursued by those thinkers who are averse to personal binding contracts, such as marriage, an institution which is one of the cornerstones of our culture. Personal responsibility that the marriage vow instills in those of us who choose to raise a family has been so watered down through easily obtained divorce procedures and individual rights, that it is now easier to just walk away from a marriage rather than work at the relationship. My wife and I have been married thirty two years this year, and while it has not been all beer and skittles, we chose out of commitment to each other to work at our relationship. That is why our marriage has stood the test of time. Many choose not to work at the relationship and take the easy option. The fallout from these broken families is what we are witness to on the streets today.

Mr. Innes' silence on the 'broken marriage' syndrome and mental health issues proves to me that his appreciation of the causes of homelessness is naïve at best. Had he been honest with himself and his readers, he would have provided some of the causes of homelessness that have originated from bad decisions within government and the act of governments over reaching into family matters that have caused the greatest explosion of homelessness. Then again, maybe he also realizes that if he admitted to the reader that government is the major contributor of homelessness he would then have to admit that his article really had no basis, and was in fact disingenuous, written only so that he could justify his position as a Human Rights Commissioner!

So please tell us all Mr. Innes: What has Human Rights, or your position as a Human Rights commissioner, got to do with homelessness?


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