Thursday, October 24, 2013

Propaganda, Conspiracy Theory or Truth?

Most people go about their daily lives based on a predictable course, a kind of certainty through life of what it is that they will do and what they will be expected to do, either as employees, leading hands, managers or bosses. Some of those as just described will also have goals to strive for in life that keeps them as employees, leading hands, managers or bosses, while many in the majority are quite content to have no goals in life at all, and apart from sating their immediate hunger and thirst while being entertained by a never ending array of media and sports distractions have no long term plans for their own wellbeing, and are happy to let others guide their daily lives and futures, so long as their immediate personal needs are not interfered with.

It has been estimated that at any time in a nation's history the majority of the population, and this has been estimated to be up to 80%, will in all probability care little for what their elected representatives may get up to while in office.

It has also been estimated that of the remaining 20% of the nation's population, 10% will aspire to hold power over the remaining 90% through greed and political means, while the remaining 10% will be aware of those to whom wealth, power and eventual control are eagerly desired, and what the eventual misuse of such a combination will bring about when left in the hands of an immoral few, and will as a duty of concern, spend a great deal of their time trying to warn the other 80%!

Ever wonder why ALL Western governments are into gun control, restricting property rights through Sustainable Development (Agenda 21) taxing the air that we breathe (Global Warming) Sustainable Energy programs (Kyoto Protocol) flooding our nations with the third world (Multiculturalism) while telling us daily that it is good for us when even a simpleton would beg to differ?

How much trust do you place in your politicians?

Once upon a time, and a long time ago every citizen of a Western nation could rely on the media at the time to provide them with factual up to date News and general information that was broadcast with the public's welfare and interest in mind. Today that is no longer the case, and the decline in sales for some of the print media along with viewers and listeners of free to air TV and Radio stations, to use as an example – which the author believes is due to the blatant dishonesty now practised - the reasons for which should be so obvious to the well informed. Many in the majority population of Western nations are now realizing that what is generally termed the MSM or as this author now terms it, the SSM, (Soviet Style Media) have become propaganda arms for those who wish to control their access to real information. The elitists, who are gradually exerting their agenda onto us through the restriction of personal property rights and liberties are really Globalists with a desire for control over the entire planet as the main game.

Ever wonder why the SSM call illegal immigrants or aliens, 'asylum seekers' 'boat people' or 'undocumented workers', or why Islamic terrorists are referred to as 'militants' 'freedom fighters' or even, 'rebels'? When was the last time you heard the perpetrator of a crime mentioned by race if it was an actual black on white crime? But most important of all to our own wellbeing and survival – when was the last time you heard someone from the SSM give you an update of the number of Islamic terrorist attacks from around the world?

The internet is proving to be a thorn in the side of those who have been steadily whittling away our personal freedoms and is a system of communication that has given us almost instantaneous correspondence to all points of the Globe, a limited amount of freedom in which to express opinions and to provide evidentiary facts, so long as the internet provider is not also on board with the Globalists and their agenda!

Ever wonder why the NSA has been spying on its own citizens and those of other nations? Did you stop to consider why the former NSA employee Snowden, decided to become a whistle blower?

The United Nations was set up in 1947 largely due to the failure of the League of Nations, or so we are told! Ever since that time the United Nations has become an over bloated bureaucracy filled with the usual failed politicians and totalitarian thinkers. ALL of the policies mentioned, and some that have not been mentioned in this article, have originated from within the United Nations. The UN policies now adopted by ALL Western nations have been introduced without consent from the people who elected those who did the signing. United Nations policies now trump each individual nation's Bill of Rights, Constitution or whatever Bill represents each nation's laws which are constantly being usurped by governments without any input from individual citizens these laws now affect and in future, will limit the individual rights that most of us still have.

And it is only Western nations that have adopted all the UN policies! But where is all this heading?

One world government, or a New Global Order, has been mentioned many, many times though the years and over the airwaves and in the print media. Do you the reader believe that to be propaganda, a conspiracy theory or the truth?




Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Humility Trumps Evil!

Our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, whose party the Liberals –-described as conservative, was elected in a landslide by the people on September 7, 2013, after suffering through six years of a Federal Labor government – described as socialist, is one politician who is prepared to walk the walk while other politicians, more particularly the Socialists, just talk the talk.

While the authors home state of New South Wales, more particularly the Blue Mountains due west of Sydney, has been witnessing the devastating bush fires which have destroyed more than 200 homes as of last count, the PM has assisted the NSW Rural Fire Service by signing on for a 12 hour night shift last weekend and taking part in fighting the fires that are still threatening the residential areas around the state's capital city.

You see, apart from being the PM, Tony Abbott is also a volunteer fire fighter for the NSW Rural Fire Service and a part time Lifeguard on Sydney's Northern Beaches. And as if this was not enough for him and his personal input into the Australian community, he also devotes two weeks of his annual leave to personally assist Aboriginal communities. Next year he is also planning 'Pollie Ride' which will take him over a pre-planned route on a bicycle, and over a number of days, to raise money for one of the many charities he also devotes his time to.

But you won't read or hear about this from the SSM (Soviet Style Media) who avoid any mention of his selflessness, his humility in his service to others and his courage when fighting fires or saving lives at the beach.

Instead, Tony Abbott has been relentlessly pursued by the SSM, the 'intelligentsia' and freelance Left wing writers, not because he has done anything wrong, but because of his piety which the Left simply cannot allow to gain a foothold in the public's imagination.

Tony Abbott is a Catholic who places a lot of faith in his religion and who once studied to be a Priest which has given the Left much ammunition in trying to publicly discredit him. He used to be called the 'Mad Monk' was considered to be 'unelectable' and a millstone around the collective necks of the Liberal Party, but he has confounded all his detractors and critics by becoming the Prime Minister of Australia!

And the Left just hate him while hurling at him all their absurd vitriol and vituperation that those who know what they do is wrong and who fear being exposed for what they do are capable of. The humble actions of a God fearing man causes them to utter even more absurd and inane comments when they realize they are losing the Australian public at large who are switching off to their childish tantrums. Tony Abbott will eventually cause the Left to finally expose itself for what it is and who inhabits it – a bunch of self-serving hypocrites who have absolutely no room in their lives for God or any empathy whatsoever for their fellow human beings. The Left's lust for personal pleasure and their greed for power and wealth have no limitations and because there are no limitations on what the Left will always degenerate to, they will drag us all down with them if we do not start pushing back!

Well done Tony Abbott, a humble man and Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Criminal and the Politician

On October 9, 2013, Mark Brandon Reid died from liver cancer. Reid, whose alias Chopper, was a notorious criminal who made a kind of living - that is until he decided to have his criminality put into print form in a number of paperbacks which gave him a not too modest, but honest income, after he declared his 'retirement' from being a career criminal – from preying on other criminals.

Reid's 'death bed confession' also cleared up four murders from the cold case files of Victoria Police that had been on the books for decades. All four persons named by Reid as having been murdered by him were well known criminals in their own right. Reid had even been tried for one of the killings for which he was found not guilty in a court of law.

That really doesn't instil a lot of faith in our justice system does it!

Reid knew how to 'milk' his notoriety for all it was worth through several interviews on TV and other media after his 'retirement'. Even a movie has been made about his 'adventures'. One could say that his infamy gained him much celebrity, particularly among the Soviet Style Media (SSM) – it should now be obvious to anyone who has studied up on their history that the current style of what is generally and loosely termed, Main Stream Media (MSM) is highly inaccurate, as the MSM now operates along the old Soviet lines of Pravda and Izvestia, and so this author will now use the term SSM to describe today's media which self-censors and sanitizes that which is thought to be politically incorrect or goes against the yearned for socialist establishment it supports – that went out of its way at times to laud Reid's criminal exploits. In their eyes, he was working against the capitalist system, wasn't he?

Reid has now become a kind of folk hero to some, especially to the non-thinkers of the world who believe they are victims of the society they share with the rest of us. Like Ned Kelly, Reid will now go into the annals of Australian folklore where his exploits will be debated forever more.

But there were two aspects to Chopper Reid that this author noted for which this author, and grudgingly, has some respect for. One, it was his modus operandi to only pick on the criminal elements of society. He did not prey on innocent members of the society he lived in. And two, in his last days on this Earth Reid was questioned by the SSM why he was not on the donor register to receive a liver transplant, his answer being; "Why should I, a 58 year old, take the place of some ten year old kid". 

Reid was also a man of his word. If he told you he was going to do something, no matter how outrageous or criminal, you could take his word to the Bank!

But what has the heading of this short article got to do with politicians?

Then ask yourself this question; what is the difference between Chopper Reid and a politician, and who would you trust?











Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Faulty Science of Theories

It has recently been widely reported that a number of ancient hominid skulls have been unearthed at a place called Dmansi in Georgia – the Georgia that is located on the Russian border - that are reputed to be 1.8 million years old? What has given these skulls relevance is that simple stone tools have also been found in the immediate precinct of the location which strongly suggests the tools were used at some time in the distant past by the owners of those skulls. This find is then given as further evidence for the evolution of Man and for which this find may well re-write the history books on what has so far been given out as factual evidence for the common link between Man and Monkey. But first; how anything can be reported as being so precisely aged as those skulls have been, is beyond this writer, as carbon dating has been proven to be less than accurate when determining precise ages due to the many variables such as;

1. Variations in the difference of the carbon footprint between the atmospheric and the geographically located over time.

2. Isotopic Fractionation.

3. Variations in the carbon footprint ratio in different parts of the location.

4. Contamination.

Even the scientists examining the Shroud of Turin cannot agree for a precise date which is measured in hundreds of years and not hundreds of thousands of years for those skulls, so how can anyone be so precise with their examination to report a finding of 1.8 million years?

And if there is a common link, often referred to as the 'missing link' between Man and Monkey, then where is it and why haven't we found it yet?

Too, the reporting of the evolution of man by the MSM, as if it is a factual event rather than what The Evolution of the species still is, a theory, is disingenuous at best and being deceptive at worst. Like all theories, such as Global Warming, no credibility should be given them until the two theories are proven!

If evolution has been the driver of our current species of Homo Sapien Sapien, a species that seems to have burst onto the planet tens of thousands of years ago without any found direct linkage to those known hominids that preceded us, why has our species not evolved further? If evolution really occurs as most Athiests agree it does, then why aren't we witnessing any examples of the evolutionary process that could prove the theory today?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

An English Act of Defiance

The English Defence League (EDL) was formed by a few like - minded English people who having witnessed the march through Luton by a contingent of returning British soldiers some years ago became concerned when the soldiers came under and subject to verbal abuse, had several items of rubbish thrown at them and a very public display of spitting at their feet by a large number of Muslim residents. What really incensed the English observers though was the cowardly and acquiescent behaviour of the attending police who chose to do nothing.

Those observant Englishmen then realized that any nation that allowed its own returning soldiers to be publicly abused and humiliated and chose to do nothing about it would also allow their own citizenry to be subject to such behaviour. Their England was a country in trouble.

The EDL gradually made a name for itself by holding public demonstrations by peacefully marching through several towns and cities across Britain that had become 'Islamized' to draw public attention to the slow 'colonization' and plight of their nation falling into Islamic fundamentalism. What started out with a few score members soon grew into thousands across the British Isles. The rapid rise of the EDL alerted the British establishment – and one may include most of the media, especially the BBC - who have been unitedly and methodically undermining the future of the Briton and his survival. Ever since the mid-1960's and via the importation of non-Britons, massive social upheaval has occurred which is yet to be fully determined, and then appreciated, across Britain as a whole.

At least most of those who arrived during the latter part of the 20th Century shared in British ideals, and to some extent, have assimilated into larger British society, but not so with the influx of large numbers of Muslims from India and Pakistan and recently from middle eastern countries, who have all formed into 'ghettoes' or the Islamic Ummah in towns and cities throughout Britain. There are now 'no go areas' for the Briton in most large cities and towns who realize that they are not welcome in those areas in their own land where the Islamic presence has turned what once resembled and was recognized as Britishness into something resembling, and has more in common with, Pakistan and India.

But it is not just the alert Briton who has now been made to feel a stranger in his own land, his children are now being raped by Muslim gangs who specialize in 'grooming' young British females, some as young as ten, by plying them with drugs and alcohol and then pass them around from house to house and even from town to town. The British National Party alerted the Establishment to this degradation of young white females in 2002, but was soon hounded into silence by a willing media who plays the Establishment's tune and it wasn't until the EDL began to expose the sordid Muslim gangs and their grooming methods to a wider public audience, that the Establishment were forced to act against this cultural jihad being waged on their own people by an imported people who practice an ideology called Islam, an ideology that is the complete antithesis to the values of a Western nation!

A greater act of treachery by the British Establishment there has never been! 
Many Western writers since the advent of 9/11 have now exposed the criminality of the imported Muslim who is over represented in all jails in all Western lands. The collective criminality of Muslims should have been the death knell for the nation destroying policy of multiculturalism and its fascist enforcer, political correctness, which were both dreamed up in that denizen of moral decay, the United Nations.

Yet it is still being embraced by all Western nations!

Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll were co-founders of the EDL and had until October, 2013, led the EDL through many towns and cities, always with police approval and always peacefully. That of course has not stopped the Muslims and their co-conspirators, Unite Against Fascism (UAF) the Socialist Alliance and other Left Wing socialist groups from trying to disrupt the EDL marches through intimidation tactics or outright assault against the members by hurling any handy missiles, such as bricks and bottles onto the marchers, or infiltrating the EDL and attacking police during the marches.

Who pays these mobs to practice their violence?

The media have always taken the side of UAF and their allies, even though there is ample evidence that places any trouble caused at those marches squarely with the Socialists and Fascists (UAF) – and the UAF is a fascist organization which is so very obvious to anyone who knows their history and how the fascists and Nazis used/use violent methods to get their way.

So the cards are well and truly stacked against the EDL especially with the recent controversial resignations of Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon) and Kevin Carroll to which the Establishment had hoped the EDL now lacking popular leaders would disintegrate, but which does not appear to be the case at this time of writing. However, that could change after the weekend (October 12) march in Bradford and the handling of the EDL by local police who receive their orders indirectly from the Establishment.

While the EDL have surprised the British Establishment with how quickly the movement spread and how effective it is still in polarizing public opinion in its favor, the EDL, to this author's thinking at least, have been letting those down who know what it is they are up against when taking on the 'colonization' of their own land, and the Establishment, the media and police who are openly protecting those whose job it is to 'colonize'.

The author wishes to point out and criticize five policies the EDL has as its mission statement, and they are;

1. Human Rights - Well doesn't the Magna Carta, and the English Bill of Rights along with the law of the land - common law, guarantee everyone's rights who is a British citizen? Why take a UN inspired policy which was never meant for highly evolved Western nations and run with it when Britain is one of those nations in which basic equality under the law was first enacted? Was this included just to appease the EDL members, or the Establishments sensibility?

2. Democracy, rule of law and oppose Sharia? Wouldn't oppose fundamentalist Islam make more sense? How will the EDL uphold democracy and the rule of law when those opposed to them are not playing by the same rules?

3. Public Education to give a more balanced picture of Islam? The only picture of Islam that the public should see is the REAL Islam which is the complete antithesis to that which the EDL are supposed to uphold. The REAL Islam is on display around the world and in individual nations that have accepted large numbers of Muslims as immigrants 24/7 to those who are willing to see and accept it. The EDL is fighting Islam and that means through necessity, that NO Muslims should be members.

4. Respecting tradition, but openly embracing the best that other cultures can offer? Who gets to consider what is the best from any culture? What part of Islam would be worth accepting as the best? What part of Indian/Pakistani culture would be considered the best? Why is this crap about respecting tradition being put forward when the only culture that Islam respects is Islamic and the only tradition that should be respected is the British tradition?

5. International outlook – working with other nations? How is that achieved when some of those nations have banned the EDL from marching in them?

The author believes the above 'mission statement' is naïve at best and just plain cloud cuckoo land stuff at worst because it is not Islamic extremism that the EDL are marching against, it is Islamic Fundamentalism they are fighting which needs to be recognized. When one is taking the fight up to those who are trying to destroy the place in which you were born and raised and have grown to love, then airy fairy crap like that 'mission statement' is completely out of place and unworkable until the country you are fighting to preserve has been restored to what it once was.

The EDL hierarchy need to drastically re-think their mission statement if they are to survive and they need to discard the multiculti crap that has pervaded and distorted their thinking. They are English first and foremost and England is the land they are fighting to protect. Everything else, including those who wish to join in, come second place to what must be done to reclaim Britain from those who are slowly destroying it. The EDL must also become political, they must register their movement as a political party which the Establishment will then find very difficult to undermine and intimidate individual members as they have done with Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll.





Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It’s Fundamentalism, stupid!


Islamic Terrorism has been with us for some time now, in fact, ever since Islam came onto the scene around 1400 years ago Islam has been making its presence felt wherever it has been forcefully spread – unlike Christianity which has largely been propagated through peaceful conversion. It may not be widely spoken of today due to the actions of history revisionists and their deceitful ways, but the Crusades of the middle ages were in direct response to the occupation of the Holy Land by Muslim hordes and the Muslim bandits who took to attacking the undefended Christian Pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land while Islam systematically turned Jewish religious symbols, such as the Dome on the Rock, into Muslim shrines or that religious perversion and symbol of conquest, a Mosque.

The Mosque is not a Church or a Temple as Westerners understand a religious building to be. The Mosque is the indoctrination center of the Muslims where, especially in infidel lands, political and social directions are given to the Muslim ummah for them to faithfully follow under Allah's directions to overcome the infidel in his own land.

But back to some basic history;

After Mohammed's death, the plague that is Islam spread its disease throughout the Mediterranean via Islamic Jihad, systematically conquering and destroying, and through the ultimatum of life or death converting the inhabitants of those lands which had once been part of the Roman Empire – it has now been shown that those once Roman cities on the shores of the Mediterranean, such as Timgad in Algeria, once thought to have been destroyed through earthquake were in fact razed by the forces of Islam. Countries we now know as Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Cyprus all came under lslamic control and influence. Islam then spread to the southern aspects of Europe where countries we now know as Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Albania and Romania, all fell under Islam's onslaught.

History shows that many tribes, such as the Visigoths, the Vandals, the Vikings and the Mongols that wreaked havoc and destruction across their path eventually assimilated into the lands they conquered, but the one tribe that will never assimilate into those lands it migrates to or conquers, and will not rest until the whole world becomes subject to it, is Islam, and for evidentiary purposes, there are these historical precedents;

The Islamic practice of Jihad - the only so called religion that makes its propagation obligatory on every believer whether through proselytizing or by force - was first put into a wholesale military onslaught now known as the First Great Jihad which was defeated not far from present day Paris at the battle of Poitiers/Tours in 732. 

The Second Great Jihad was stopped at the gates of Vienna in 1638.

It is becoming clear that we are now in the throes of the Third Great Jihad which our Western governments continue to not recognize, but the many thinkers within the West are waking up to. The Third Jihad kicked off when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem began holding hands with Adolf Hitler who arranged for whole Muslim companies of German outfitted soldiers to wreak havoc in the Balkans, particularly against the Christians and the Communists. It is well established thought, that victims have long memories and the Balkans conflict flared again during the early 1990's after the financial collapse of the Soviet system. Western indifference (deliberate?) also played its part, but mostly it was brought about through political meddling, and has yet to have its end game as there are many scores to be settled by both sides.

This author once asked a work colleague, whose background is Serbian, during the Balkans conflict what the problem was – his simple answer has stayed with the author ever since – 'they are Muslims!'

When Israel came into existence by United Nations Charter in 1948 the Arab/Islamic world rebelled which found favor among the displaced - by their own choosing - the so called 'Palestinians' who chose en-masse to not share Israel with the Jews and migrated to Jordan where they were eventually kicked out from after soiling their own nest through terrorist activities. The 'pallies' whose 'national front' organization, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) began hijacking commercial airliners during the mid-1960's, and killing 'Jews' at European airports. They then graduated with their most outrageous and heinous act by killing 12 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972. This scum of the earth then eventually drifted off into Lebanon to which their 'cultural contribution' is now a testament for the non-Islamic world to appreciate.

The PLO was led by the Islamic Terrorist, Yasser Arafat, who twice abrogated his responsibility to his own people to sign a peace accord with Israel while refusing to have a Palestinian state, as recognized by the United Nations and Israel, because it meant the Palestinians would have to live side by side with Israeli's to whom the Palestinians and Hamas vow – in fact, this vow is written into their Charter- to kill all Jews and annihilate Israel.

Now you know why the Nazi's and Islam hit it off so well together!

Ever since the Second World War, and with rare exception, Western political/ideological/selfish ambitions have taken first and foremost preference over patriotism to one's own nation which has given every Western nation the Islamic menace now living within our borders and to which our security agencies have to work full time to stop, but usually at best, only mitigate the Islamic terrorist networks and their barbarous acts of terror.

The Barbarians are inside the Western gate but no political authority is willing to acknowledge this plain and simple truth, and it seems to be only a problem to a handful of observers who are willing to identify and accept the clear and present danger that is Islam.

Is this because;

1. Multiculturalism and its fascist enforcer, Political Correctness, are blinding those who are in positions of power to act?

2. Those who have the ability to comprehend the threat and are in positions of authority to act have either been compromised to not act and have therefore become willing dupes in this conspiracy to undermine the West, are moral cowards too afraid and too selfish to 'rattle the cage' due to lack of intestinal fortitude or are being shouted down by their own peers?

Whatever the reason or reasons, the symptoms of how they think are always readily on public display. Nothing to see here folks, just move along and everything will be OK!

Well everything is not OK! And the author will make a point about the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) and the lack of comprehension by that organization as to what it is exactly we are fighting on a GLOBAL level when it comes to Islamic Terrorism. This is a war not yet publicly recognized between two civilizations, the West and Islam, and it is a war that is currently being played down (Afghanistan being a prime example) by our elected representatives who are supposed to be working for US! 

And on not being publicly recognized as a war between two old enemies, this must now be stated;

The Head spook of ASIO, David Irvine, recently presented a speech on terrorism that was highlighted by the noted columnist and blogger, Andrew Bolt, in his blog yesterday, October 2/2013, and to which the author gained some insight into how a chief spy thinks about Islamic terrorism. In this chief spy's opinion there is, 'No single profile of the Islamic Terrorist'.


He then goes on to emphasize that acts of Islamic Terrorism are being perpetrated by individuals or groups who hold, now get this, 'extremist views of Islam.'


So this is the kind of thinking that permeates throughout the 'establishment'! You can just imagine the 'establishment' running off to the Iman to ask the question; Why do these Muslims carry out acts of barbarism, you are the religion of peace after all, so what gives?

Have those who would beat a path to the Iman's door to ask such an absurd question, and as part of their mandatory responsibility to protect the citizenry from such attacks, even bothered to read just a few lines of the Qu'ran?

Also, one must wonder at the naivety or the criminality of being a willing dupe, when asking those questions of a dangerous enemy if they would have, at another time in history, asked the Nazi's why it is was that they were so murderously violent toward the Jews and had the ambition to conquer the world.

What Irvine has missed, either deliberately or naively when raising questions about Islamic Terrorism, is that there is an obvious thread recognized by those who have studied Islam and a thread that runs through every terrorist attack committed by Muslims worldwide, and that thread is Islam and the Qu'ran. Those Muslims who take up jihad against the infidel by either fighting or committing acts of terror against them are doing what Islam and the Qu'ran dictate. They are not extremists who have taken the teachings of Islam and perverted them as some Muslims, or their Western dhimmis would have us believe, they are FUNDAMENTALISTS who are acting out what is dictated to them through the Qu'ran and from their indoctrination centers, the Mosque, in all Western lands.

Islam teaches that FUNDAMENTALISM is an obligation on all those who follow Islam, and that is why Islam is such a dangerous enemy to an inattentive Western Civilization.